June 2-4, 2005, Saint Louis, Missouri
Information from most of the 95 speakers – health professionals and polio survivors and ventilator users – who represented 26 states and 7 countries. The conference was attended by 340 people from 13 countries and 34 states. See the Conference Program Booklet.
Topics include:
- Anesthesia Precautions for People with Neurologic Conditions
- Analyzing Your Gait – The Roles of Exercise, Bracing or Surgery
- Research I: What Is Being Done? What Needs to Be Done? Update on Modafinil Study
- Solutions for Overuse and Disuse Weakness
- How Self-Assessment Can Help You Obtain Better Care from Health Professionals
- Analyzing Your Sleep
- Maintaining Pulmonary Health: Monitoring and Preventing: What You Can Do
and much more!
Purpose of Conference
- To provide information and support to families and friends of polio survivors and ventilator users
- To exchange ideas with polio survivors and ventilator users
- To exchange ideas with health professionals
- To contribute to the worldwide activities supporting the improved health and independence of polio survivors and ventilator users
- To renew old acquaintances and make new friends