
Brian M. Tiburzi, MA, has worked for PHI since 2008. Born and raised in St. Louis, Brian earned his MA in History from the University of Missouri–St. Louis. Brian helped coordinate PHI’s last two international conferences, in 2009 and 2014. He has also represented PHI at past conferences in Toronto, Copenhagen, and Sydney.
Brian has been very involved in the design and management of Polio Place as well as the new IVUN site, www.ventnews.org.
He was named Executive Director in September of 2017.
Post-Polio Health International is governed by a Board of Directors and has a paid staff of two. Design and editorial services are provided by independent contractors.
Honorary Board
Honorary Board Members are recognized for their contributions and loyalty to PHI and to the disability community at large. (These members do not have voting privileges and are not entitled to participate in meetings or other activities of the directors.)
Augusta S. Alba, MD
Coler Goldwater Specialty Hospital and Nursing Facility, Roosevelt Island, New York
Allen I. Goldberg, MD, MM, FAAP, FACPE, FCCP
Pediatric Home Health, Loyola University Medical Center (retired), Chicago, Illinois
Anna Eleanor Roosevelt
Community and Education Relations, The Boeing Company, Chicago, Illinois
Maurice Sonnenberg
New York, New York
Stanley K. Yarnell, MD
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (retired), San Francisco, California
Medical Advisory Committee
The Medical Advisory Committee is composed of open-minded health care professionals who are experts in their field and who support PHI's philosophy about independent living. Members must be knowledgeable about the late effects of polio and demonstrate the ability to think analytically and strategically in advising PHI on medical matters. The chair will be a Board member and is responsible for communications between the committee and the Board. The committee composition will represent health care professionals in diverse areas of specialization (e.g., physiatry, pulmonology, occupational therapy) and a balance of backgrounds (e.g., geographic, cultural, gender).
Frederick M. Maynard, MD, Chair
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Marquette, Michigan
Laura Bertolasi, MD
Department of Neurosciences, Unit of Neurology, AOUI (Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Integrata), Verona, Italy
Dr. Stephen De Graaff
Director of Pain Services, Epworth Rehabilitation, Camberwell, Victoria, Australia
William M. DeMayo, MD
Specialized Rehabilitation Hospital, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Marny K. Eulberg, MD
Mountain & Plains Post Polio Clinic, Wheat Ridge, Colorado
Jan Lexell, MD, PhD
Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine, Lund University, Consultant Physician,
Department of Neurology and Rehabilitation Medicine, Skåne University Hospital in Lund, Sweden
Stephanie T. Machell, PsyD
Framingham, Massachusetts
Julie G. Madorsky, MD (retired)
University of California-Irvine, Encino, California
Prof. Frans Nollet, MD, PhD
Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Rhoda Olkin, PhD
California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant University, San Francisco, California
Dr. Arzu Yağız On
Ege University Medical Faculty, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Izmir, Turkey
Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, İzmir, Türkiye
Susan Perlman, MD
Clinical Professor of Neurology, UCLA, Los Angeles, California
Daniel Ryan, MD
Center for PM&R, PC
Warren, Michigan
Daria A. Trojan, MD
Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Carol Vandenakker Albanese, MD
University California Davis Health System, Sacramento, California
Mary Westbrook, PhD (retired)
Conjoint Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Martin B. Wice, MD
Center for Advanced Medicine/Neuroscience Center, Washington University, Saint Louis, Missouri