Ask the Doctor

Have a medical question about the late effects of polio? PHI’s Medical Advisory Committee is here to assist. Just fill out the form below and one of our volunteer physicians will be in touch. Please allow up to five business days for a response.

What can PHI’s volunteer physicians help with? They can answer questions specific to some sub-groups of polio survivors that may not be answered in PHI’s more general statements—such as ‘What type of exercise(s) would you recommend for a polio survivor with weakness of one leg’ but they will not be able to answer very specific questions such as ‘What is the best exercise for me?’ or ‘What is the best brace for me?’

Disclaimer: PHI offers this program as an educational service but it in no way is a substitute for medical care by a personal healthcare provider. Our physicians/other healthcare providers can only make suggestions that you, in turn, will need to discuss with your healthcare provider. They cannot treat you or write prescriptions for you. Interactions in writing, verbally, or even by video cannot replace the value of an in-person evaluation.
