Living With Polio


As a person with post-polio syndrome, one of the fundamental self-care guidelines that I use to conserve physical energy and avoid fatigue is to rest regularly throughout the day.

I use a vibrating silent timer to remind me when to stop and rest. I’ve depended upon this little timer to remind me to stop and rest every four hours, to take frequent breaks while gardening, and to get up from my 20 – 30 minute rests if I fall asleep. I keep it in my pocket and since it’s silent, the reminder is private – unlike a cell phone or watch alarm. Perhaps one of the most valuable aspects of using this device is that it assures my husband that I’m taking care of myself so that he is less apt to be in a position to “nag” me to stop and rest.

Several are available, but I use the Ultrak T-5 Vibrating Silent Timer.

Bonnie Helpenstell

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