Shared peer advice from polio survivors about what works for them.

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Maintaining Health and Wellness

Brian Tiburzi

Good health is being the best that one can be – physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally and socially. Polio survivors do not need to constantly struggle from one health crisis to the next. While some health problems require professional assistance, your loved one can manage others. In addition to seeing appropriate health professionals to alleviate and manage the late effects of …

Don’t Ignore Pressure Sores

Brian Tiburzi

Mary Ann Buckingham had polio when she was 12 and walked using braces and crutches. Now 73, she started using a wheelchair about 20 years ago when her arms became too weak to use crutches. As a polio support group leader for 10 years, she was well aware of the danger of pressure sores and took preventive measures to avoid …