Announcing PHI’s “Shining Star Hall of Fame Campaign”: Who Is Your Shining Star?
If ever there were a moment to recognize how devoted our health care workers are, it would be during the current pandemic we are struggling through. During this time of self-isolation, we have had plenty of opportunity to spend time alone with ourselves - in the space of our own mind. So, as we have simultaneously witnessed the courage and compassion of many health care workers across the country, we think, too, of the parade of health care professionals who have helped us over the years.
We often hear complaints about health care professionals who are ill-informed when it comes to treating individuals who are struggling with the late effects of polio. But what about the ones who are doing a great job? They are the shining stars!
PHI believes now is a perfect time to highlight their excellent work. It will be a privilege to express sincere gratitude for their ability to listen, their knowledge and their compassion as we roll out our new campaign to showcase your favorite health care workers.
By way of The Shining Star Hall of Fame Campaign, you and any of your support group members are invited to publicly convey your gratitude toward and provide well deserved recognition to that special health care worker – a person in the health care arena who really made a positive difference in your life. This could become an opportunity for sharing experiences around the table about good health care professionals at a support group meeting. You could ask members, “Who meant a lot to you?” It could be long ago or just recently.
To spotlight your Shining Star:
- Simply donate to PHI in honor of your special health care professional. This could be a doctor, psychologist, any type of therapist, chiropractor, nurse, dentist, home health aide or someone you know that has provided exceptional care and concern and helped you with your individual needs.
- Submit a short biography and a photo of the person along with a few words about why you nominated them. Then send it to director@post-polio.org. We will follow up and contact you.
- You will be recognized as a donor in their honor. They will receive a letter of recognition and thanks from PHI, and their story will be showcased internationally on this website.
We have all had medical people in our lives who do ordinary things that have made an extraordinary difference! They shone brightly for us during our darkest times. This is your chance to honor them in a meaningful way and support your post-polio cause. It is a win-win for all.
Who are your shining stars that have gone beyond the call of duty for you?
Let them know.
Then let us know.
Thank you!