Post-Polio Health, Volume 26, Number 2, Spring 2010 Ask Dr. Maynard Frederick M. Maynard, MD Question: Has there ever been a study of whether antidepressants help relieve muscular pain and fatigue? Is it a plausible treatment for people who have had polio? Answer: There have been studies showing reduction of fatigue and pain (not specifically muscular pain) among depressed patients treated with antidepressant …
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Pain and Using Wheelchair
Post-Polio Health, Volume 28, Number 1, Winter 2012 Ask Dr. Maynard Frederick M. Maynard, MD“Ask Dr. Maynard,” Post-Polio Health, Volume 28, Number 1, Winter 2012 Question: I have been having a LOT of pain through my butt into my lower back. I looked up muscle groups and think I see what is causing the problem. I sit at my desk nine or so hours …
Breast Reduction Surgery?
Post-Polio Health, Volume 28, Number 3, Summer 2012 Ask Dr. Maynard Frederick M. Maynard, MD Question: I had polio in 1948, and I am now 65. Adapting was less difficult due to the helpful information gathered at support group meetings. However, I am not finding information or answers that address this issue: Has breast reduction and surgical reduction of abdominal fat …
Frightened of Cortisone and Surgery
Post-Polio Health, Volume 29, Number 2, Spring 2013 Ask Dr. Maynard Frederick M. Maynard, MD Question: Several years ago my right ankle muscles gave out after a cortisone shot. I wear a brace to steady this leg. Now, after two bad falls, my left hip will need replacement. My current orthopedic physician wanted to give me a cortisone shot, and I …
My Physician Retired
Post-Polio Health, Volume 27, Number 2, Spring 2011 Ask Dr. Maynard Frederick M. Maynard, MD Question: My physician retired, and my new primary care doctor is “reevaluating” everything. I am nervous because he is questioning my medications, and I am not sure he understands my history. Can you help me understand his approach and offer assuring advice as he and I get …
Polio Survivor with Numbness
Post-Polio Health, Volume 27, Number 4, Fall 2011 Ask Dr. Maynard Frederick M. Maynard, MD Question: Do you know of any polio survivors who are experiencing numbness in their affected areas? I did some physical therapy recently for about six weeks using both sides of my body to improve the strength in my unaffected leg, and noticed that my left arm (the …
Usefulness of EMG
Post-Polio Health, Volume 28, Number 4, Fall 2012 Ask Dr. Maynard Frederick M. Maynard, MD Question: I have a question regarding differential diagnosis specifically utilizing electromyographpy (EMG, a test that measures the electrical activity of muscles at rest and during contraction). I am 63 with a family history of stenosis. I have low back pain, sometimes radiating diagonally to the hip/thigh region …
Cortisone? Surgery?
Post-Polio Health, Volume 29, Number 2, Spring 2013 Ask Dr. Maynard Frederick M. Maynard, MD Question: Several years ago my right ankle muscles gave out after a cortisone shot. I wear a brace to steady this leg. Now, after two bad falls, my left hip will need replacement. My current orthopedic physician wanted to give me a cortisone shot, and I …
Feeling Weak
Post-Polio Health, Volume 30, Number 1, Winter 2014 Ask Dr. Maynard Frederick M. Maynard, MD Question: I am 66, and I had polio at age 3. My muscles are feeling weak, so if you know what I can do about it I would be grateful. I am depressed about this. Answer: Your concerns about muscle weakening along with muscle and joint pains …
Feeling Like a Failure
Post-Polio Health, (Volume 31, Number 3) Summer 2015 Dr. Rhoda Olkin is a Distinguished Professor of Clinical Psychology at the California School of Professional Psychology in San Francisco, as well as the Executive Director of the Institute on Disability and Health Psychology. She is a polio survivor and single mother of two grown children. QUESTION: I worked so hard to walk …