Nancy Baldwin Carter, BA, M Ed Psych, Omaha, Nebraska, is a polio survivor, a writer, and is founder and former director of Nebraska Polio Survivors Association. FACT: 90% of Americans polled said they definitely do not want to live in a nursing facility. FACT: 80% of Americans polled want to continue living in their own homes until the end. With the total of …
Shared peer advice from polio survivors about what works for them.
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A Better Life
Nancy Baldwin Carter, BA, M Ed Psych, Omaha, Nebraska, is a polio survivor, a writer, and is founder and former director of Nebraska Polio Survivors Association. It’s time we got this straight: palliative care is not the same as hospice. As Karen Rafinski put it in June’s AARP Bulletin, “Palliative care is about making the most of life with a …
Shingles Vaccine Experience among the Survivors of Polio (2013)
Frederick M. Maynard, Chair, PHI Medical Advisory Committee, Marquette, Michigan Members of PHI concerned that polio survivors might have abnormalities of the immune system questioned if taking the vaccine would either increase the risk of complications or make them less effective. In early 2013 PHI distributed a six question survey through its PHI Membership Memo, website ( and Facebook. The PHI …
Working: Laws and Resources
The Americans with Disabilities Act gives civil rights protections to individuals with disabilities similar to those provided to individuals on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, age, and religion. It guarantees equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities in employment, State and local government services, public accommodations, transportation, and telecommunications. See Title I (Employment). The Rehabilitation Act mandates non-discrimination …
Partner Abuse, Part 2
“Promoting Positive Solutions,” From Post-Polio Health (Volume 30, Number 4, pages 8, 9, 10). Part 2. Dr. Machell addresses female to male and same sex partner abuse: Intimate partner violence (IPV) isn’t just about male perpetrators and female victims. Men can be abused by a female partner. And in same-sex relationships men are abused by men and women are abused by women. Abuse …
A Gentle Death, Part I
Part I of a three part series published in Post-Polio Health, (Volume 29, Number 2) in 2013. Nancy Baldwin Carter, BA, MEd Psych, Omaha, Nebraska My mother has been on my mind. She’s been gone now for ten years. Death finally came to her after several merciless years of progressive suffering and pain in the nursing home she had selected to …
A Gentle Death, Part II
Part II of a three part series published in Post-Polio Health, (Volume 29, Number 3) in 2013. Nancy Baldwin Carter, BA, MEd Psych, Omaha, Nebraska Surely we don’t need studies to prove that planning ahead is a good idea, yet plenty of them exist, even when it comes to end-of-life issues. The goal, of course, is to assure that a patient’s medical …
A Gentle Death, Part III
Part III of a three part series published in Post-Polio Health, (Volume 29, Number 4) in 2013. Nancy Baldwin Carter, BA, MEd Psych, Omaha, Nebraska At the far end of the end-of-life spectrum lies palliative care, a set of services created to benefit the chronically ill. In fact, it’s so far from the end that, at times, it may not appear …
“They just want me to be like I was.”
Post-Polio Health, Volume 25, Number 4, Fall 2009. Dr. Stephanie T. Machell is a psychologist in independent practice in the Greater Boston area and consultant to the International Rehabilitation Center for Polio, Spaulding-Framingham Outpatient Center, Framingham, Massachusetts. Her father is a polio survivor. Question: I am getting weaker and my friends and family encourage me the find “the answer” and get …
Tired Husband: Guilt and Talking about It
Post-Polio Health, Volume 25, Number 4, Fall 2009. Dr. Rhoda Olkin is a Distinguished Professor of Clinical Psychology at the California School of Professional Psychology in San Francisco, as well as Executive Director of the Institute on Disability and Health Psychology. She is a polio survivor and single mother of two grown children. Question: “I recently attended PHI’s 10th Conference in …