The role of the respiratory therapist is to institute respiratory treatments prescribed by a physician and to prepare the appropriate interface and ventilator (see Ventilators). Another major role is education. Therapists instruct the individual and attendants/caregivers in the use of the ventilator and related equipment, such as humidifiers, cough machines, suctioning and tracheostomy care (if non-invasive ventilation is not successful), manually-assisted coughing techniques, and other respiratory muscle assistive devices (Bach, 1996). The therapist monitors the ventilator settings and oximetry readings to assess blood gas exchange and assists with pulmonary function studies (see Pulmonary Function Tests). Many respiratory therapists are employed by home health care agencies and ventilator equipment vendors.
Bach, J.R. (1996). Pulmonary rehabilitation: The obstructive and paralytic conditions. Philadelphia, PA: Hanley & Belfus, Inc.