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Getting “Creepy” on the Internet

Brian Tiburzi

Post-Polio Health, Volume 31, Number 4, Fall 2015 Dr. Rhoda Olkin is a Distinguished Professor of Clinical Psychology at the California School of Professional Psychology in San Francisco, as well as the Executive Director of the Institute on Disability and Health Psychology. She is a polio survivor and single mother of two grown children. QUESTION: I see people on Facebook and other …

La Poliomielitis No Tiene Un Contexto Social Actual

Brian Tiburzi

PROMOVIENDO SOLUCIONES POSITIVAS Salud Post-Polio, Primavera 2016, Volumen 32, Número 2 PREGUNTA: Como joven sobreviviente de la poliomielitis, creo que lo más difícil es tener una enfermedad / diagnóstico que ya no tiene contexto social actual. Es como estar atrapado en un túnel del tiempo cultural. Tengo una condición que está relativamente curada y erradicada de la mayoría de las partes …

Clash of Members’ “abilities”

Brian Tiburzi

∞ LEADERSHIP Nancy Baldwin Carter, Omaha, Nebraska QUESTION: “I was shocked, but I have come to learn that people in our group who can walk expressed at a recent meeting their opinion that the people in wheelchairs and less mobile have limited the activities of the group. They want to go downtown, for instance. Also, they say they are sick of hearing …

Who’s in charge? Role of Spouses

Brian Tiburzi

∞ LEADERSHIP Nancy Baldwin Carter, Omaha, Nebraska QUESTION: ”Who’s in charge? In our group, some of the spouses have taken over the leadership roles and they are not as understanding of our situation. Has this happened to other groups? How was it rectified?” ANSWER: Who do you want to be in charge? I have this theory that I read about years ago and …

When the “Cared For” Becomes the “Caregiver”

Brian Tiburzi

Audrey King presented at FICCDAT Conference, Toronto, Canada, June 2011 I found my mother’s diary recently – the one she kept during the 1950s when we were an Army family living in England. She’ll be 100 in 8 weeks. She lives with me, deaf, unable to walk & rapidly losing weight. She has dementia which roller coasters between inconsolable agitation …

When the “Cared For” Becomes the “Caregiver”


Audrey King presented at FICCDAT Conference, Toronto, Canada, June 2011 I found my mother’s diary recently – the one she kept during the 1950s when we were an Army family living in England. She’ll be 100 in 8 weeks. She lives with me, deaf, unable to walk & rapidly losing weight. She has dementia which roller coasters between inconsolable agitation …