Shared peer advice from polio survivors about what works for them.

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What Works: Results and Implications of Post-Polio Clinic Survey

The Post-Polio Clinic of Stanley Yarnell, MD at Saint Mary’s Medical Center in San Francisco surveyed polio survivors who had been evaluated at their facility. One of the questions was what things polio survivors thought helped them to feel better. Stanley K. Yamell, MD, Saint Mary’s Medical Center, San Francisco, California Stanley K. Yarnell, MD, has been involved with the …

Hormonal and nutritional supplements help polio survivor

If anything in my story could help anyone else it is well worth trying to share what I’ve discovered. Hindsight is 20/20 so it is easier to condense the results rather than try to relate step-by-step. I was five years old and spent 2-3 months at the Sister Kenny Foundation in Minneapolis, MN. I walked away and never thought much …

Wondering about beneficial effects of Omega 3

I had paralytic polio when I was a little girl (in the early sixties). I am still only in my forties but for a few years I have been developing weakness in my leg muscles and more recently my arms and around my back. I had never heard of PPS until a couple of days ago. I now know that …

Wondering about beneficial effects of Omega 3

I had paralytic polio when I was a little girl (in the early sixties). I am still only in my forties but for a few years I have been developing weakness in my leg muscles and more recently my arms and around my back. I had never heard of PPS until a couple of days ago. I now know that …

Supplements help Leg Cramps

I’m 66 years old and had leg cramps when I was a little kid and into my 20s and 30s. I especially got them when I was stressed out (by an alcoholic father or later, after I got away from my parents, by studying long hours.) I found out about 17 years ago that indeed I did have polio, as …

Coenzyme Q10

I am a physician who has developed post-polio syndrome (PPS) in the past few years. Under the advice of a very bright colleague, a professor of neurology, I have been taking Coenzyme Q10 in high doses with some benefit. At least, I can categorically state that my PPS is “quiescent” for now, when it is usually considered a progressive condition. …

Coenzyme Q10 in high doses with some benefit

I am a physician who has developed post-polio syndrome (PPS) in the past few years. Under the advice of a very bright colleague, a professor of neurology, I have been taking Coenzyme Q10 in high doses with some benefit. At least, I can categorically state that my PPS is “quiescent” for now, when it is usually considered a progressive condition. …

Post-polio and Osteoporosis

I am not sure how many polio survivors, especially men, are aware of the relationship between post-polio and osteoporosis. This connection has been brought to my attention when a colleague of mine, also suffering from post-polio, fell and broke his femur. The major cause was osteoporosis. Following his suggestion, I had a bone density scan, and sure enough my density …